
From AtomicTorchWiki

Multiplayer server setup


Hardware requirements: (for up to about 128 players online) 2-core CPU 1.6-2 GHz, 1-1.5 GB RAM, 5-10 Mbit/s connection.

To launch a multiplayer server on any system, you need to have .NET Core 2.1 Runtime installed. It's supported for the many operating systems including Windows, Linux and Mac and installation is very quick. To install .NET Core 2.1 Runtime please visit Microsoft .NET Core Downloads and select Runtime Installer for your operating system. Follow the installation steps to setup the game server.

Docker Image

The docker server image is coming soon. It will make it much easier to install and update the game on Linux. Currently, only the .NET Core executable is distributed (which is cross-platform but requires .NET Core 2.1 to be installed as described above).


How to host your own server:

  1. Make sure to read server requirements section above and install the required software before attempting to run the server.
  2. Download the game server runtime from (you need to be logged-in to access the page) and extract it.
  3. The server executable is located in the subfolder: "Binaries/Server". Launch the command line (or PowerShell in Windows) and navigate to this folder (hint: in Windows you can simply SHIFT + Right-click on the "Server" folder in Explorer and select "Open PowerShell window here").
  4. Start the server executable first time with loadOrNew flag: dotnet .\CryoFall_Server.dll loadOrNew. The server will start and create the game world.
  5. Enter stop 0 and press Enter key. The server will save and quit. Now you have the "SettingsServer.xml" and "ModsConfig.xml" files.
  6. Now you need to navigate to the game subfolder "Data" (which is in the root of the game folder, not in the "Binaries/Server") and modify "SettingsServer.xml" to set the unique server name, make it private if needed, set other settings, etc... There are XML comments explaining every setting so it should be straightforward.

In SettingsServer.xml, do not modify misc and network parts! It may cause malfunction if something is set in a way it is not intended to be.

You may, however, modify <server> part at your own risk. There you can set up some server configurations that would affect gameplay.

Note: if you are interested in hosting public server make sure to edit <is_public_server>0</is_public_server> and set the value to 1. This will make your server accessible publicly. Also make sure your router is configured correctly (port forwarding) to enable other people to connect to your machine from outside. But ideally you should use dedicated server hardware to host public servers.

Starting the server:

  1. Launch the command line (or PowerShell in Windows) and navigate to this folder (hint: in Windows you can simply SHIFT + Right-click on the "Server" folder in Explorer and select "Open PowerShell window here").
  2. Start the server executable with load flag: dotnet .\CryoFall_Server.dll load
  3. Stop your server by typing stop 60 My shutdown message goes here (where 60 is the shutdown delay so the connected players will have some time to find a safe location) and pressing Enter key any time (it will save the world before stopping). Please note that typing this message is really hard as the console is updating regularly! The best way is to simply copy-paste from the text editor the whole command text into the game console window (hint: you can paste in PowerShell by simply pressing the right mouse button) and pressing Enter key.

You can always wipe the world by launching the game with new flag: dotnet .\CryoFall_Server.dll new

Currently we don't support the savegame migration between the game versions if there are changes to the game data scheme (data serialization scheme). We plan to implement the proper data migration feature ASAP.

Connecting to the server:

To connect to the public server you can simply run the game and navigate to SERVERS->Community servers list.

If you're attempting to host your server on a home computer and other players cannot connect to it, you need to manually forward the port UDP 6000 on your home router to your local IP address (the game has the auto port forwarding feature but it often fails due to the difference in UPnP implementation on many routers).

Please note that if you're running a game server on the same PC as the game client, you might be unable to connect to the game server from the Community servers list on that PC due to NAT routing even with the proper port forwarding. In that case, simply add a Custom game server as localhost:6000 and connect to it directly.

Connecting to the private servers requires adding it via the Custom servers menu.

6000 is the default port but you can change it in the Data/SettingsServer.xml file.

Whitelist, blacklist

This feature is not implemented yet and coming soon.

Server commands

The server commands list and operators access setup instructions are coming soon.

For the time being you can use /help in the game console to get a full list of console commands available in the game.