VoidExpanse/Server setup
Multiplayer server setup
GUI for multiplayer server
Currently in development We are planning to create a gui for Windows, Mac and Linux to provide easy, user-friendly server setup and management. However, on console-based systems, like FreeBSD, there's always available server setup and management with console commands.
Multiplayer server setup
To launch a multiplayer server on any system, your system needs to meet following requirements:
- .Net/Mono, compatible with .net framework 4.0
1. Copy the following files from game distributive to your server machine:
- folder Server
- folder Mods
Installation complete!
Launch AtomicTorch.SpaceRPG.Server.RuntimeWin.exe from ./Server/ folder.
Other system with Mono
Launch AtomicTorch.SpaceRPG.Server.RuntimeWin.exe from ./Server/Mono folder with mono, like this:
mono AtomicTorch.SpaceRPG.Server.RuntimeWin.exe
Launch complete!
SettingsServer.xml Most of settings are stored in SettingsServer.xml, which is located in the same folder as server .exe file. If it's not there, launch server once with "-new" argument, and it'll be created automatically.
In SettingsServer, do not modfify misc and network parts! It may cause malifunction.
You may, however, modify <server> part on your own risk.
Create a new game
When server starts, you can create a new game, or load an existing one.
To create a new game, type to create a new server^
-new [seed_key]
Seed_key is a word, which is used like seed value for random-based generation, like "voidexpance" or "hellyeah", which will affect world generation on server. For example, if you type
-new myworld
random world will be created, always the same for "myworld" seed key. And if you type
-new hellyeah
random world will be created too, but different from the one you'll get with "myworld". In other words, seed_key word defines generated world. Feel free to experiment, type in you nickname to create your personal world =)
Saving game
In multiplayer mode, server automatically saves game every time interval, specified in SettingsServer.xml (autosave_delay parameter). You can save server game with console command savegame.
- will save you game to slot 0 under the name "CurrentWorld".
savegame 5 ServerNameWord
- will save you game to slot 5 under the name "ServerNameWord".
Loading game
When server starts, you can create a new game, or load an existing one. To load an existing game, use command:
-load [slot_number]
You can use the same command not only when server starts, but even during the game, just type in console:
load 0