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CryoFall server commands

Please read the Server Setup Guide first.
This is just a list of all the server console commands.
You need to execute them right from the game by using in-game console as described in the Server Setup Guide.
Most of these commands are requiring server operator access.

Server commands list

* Description: Clear all the past locations for all the events (so new events could happen there again).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Finishes all the active world events.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Adds specified item(s) to all player characters.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /admin.giveawayItem <item> [count]

* Description: Adds specified item(s) to all player characters.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /admin.giveawayLP <learningPoints>

* Description: Lists players currently in creative mode
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: List all the land claims of the specified player or of all the players.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /admin.listLandClaims <player>

* Description: List all the land claims with their owners.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /admin.listLandClaimsOwners [minOwnersNumber]

* Description: Adds server moderator.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /moderatorAdd [character]
  /admin.moderator.add [character]

* Description: Lists server moderators.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Removes server moderator.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /moderatorRemove [character]
  /admin.moderator.remove [character]

* Description: Notifies all players on the server.
              Important: wrap the "message text in quotes"!
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /admin.notifyAll <messageInQuotes>

* Description: Notifies a player on the server.
              Important: wrap the "message text in quotes"!
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /admin.notifyPlayer <player> <messageInQuotes>

* Description: Adds server operator.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /opAdd [character]
  /admin.operator.add [character]

* Description: Lists server operators.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Removes server operator.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /opRemove [character]
  /admin.operator.remove [character]

* Description: Special debug command to add useful items to the player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /pwn [player]
  /admin.pwn [player]

* Description: Set raiding window. Please ensure you're using a correct UTC offset!
              To disable raiding protection completely, please set 24 hours duration from any hour with any UTC offset.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /admin.setRaidingWindow <UTC> <fromHour> <duration>

* Description: Executes all spawn scripts.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Executes all spawn scripts for the specified zone.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /admin.spawnZone <protoZone>
  /admin.spawnZone <protoZone> [isInitialSpawn]

* Description: Creates and starts an event. Use autocomplete to browse all the available events. To finish all the ongoing events you can use /admin.finishEvents
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /startEvent <eventName>
  /admin.startEvent <eventName>

* Description: Add all completionist entries to player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /completionist.addAll [player]

* Description: Lists all completionist entries for player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /completionist.list [player]

* Description: Reset completionist entries for player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /completionist.reset [player]

* Description: Prints information about all the available console commands.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /help [searchCommand]
  / [searchCommand]

* Description: Gets or sets current log severity.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /console.logSeverity [severity]

* Description: Adds sets of items according to specified category to the player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /kit [category] [player]
  /demo.kit [category] [player]

* Description: Accepts player to the faction. The player must submit an application to the faction first.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /faction.accept <player> <clanTag>

* Description: Browse the faction of the specified player.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /faction.browse <player>

* Description: Resets the faction leave join cooldown. Player can join any faction instantly.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /faction.resetFactionJoinCooldown [player]

* Description: Sets the faction level.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /faction.setLevel <clanTag> <level>

* Description: Changes the faction role of the provided character. Cannot change to leader and cannot change from leader to another role.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /faction.setRole [player] <role>

* Description: Forces an update of the factions leaderboard.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Spawns a mob of the specified type to the specified tile position in the world or near the specified character, depending on arguments used.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /spawn <protoMob> [count] [nearPlayer]
  /spawn <protoMob> <x> <y> [count]
  /mobs.spawn <protoMob> [count] [nearPlayer]
  /mobs.spawn <protoMob> <x> <y> [count]

* Description: Adds a player name into the blacklist.
              Players from this list cannot connect to the game server
              (unless a player is an admin or moderator).
              Please note: there is also a whitelist that is intended
              to work in an opposite way by allowing access only to those players
              that are listed in a whitelist while everyone else is not allowed.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /ban <playerName>
  /mod.blackList.add <playerName>

* Description: Adds members of the specified faction into the blacklist.
              Players from this list cannot connect to the game server
              (unless a player is an admin or moderator).
              Please note: there is also a whitelist that is intended
              to work in an opposite way by allowing access only to those players
              that are listed in a whitelist while everyone else is not allowed.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /banFaction <clanTag>
  /mod.blackList.addFaction <clanTag>

* Description: Prints the blacklist content.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Removes a player name from the blacklist.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /mod.blackList.remove <playerName>

* Description: Kicks the player from the server for the defined amount of time. If you want to add a kick reason, you can do this by writing it in the "quotes" right after the number of minutes.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /kick <character> [minutes] [kickMessageInQuotes]
  /mod.kickList.add <character> [minutes] [kickMessageInQuotes]

* Description: Kicks members of the specified faction from the server for the specified amount of time.
              If you want to add a kick reason, you can do this by writing it in the "quotes"
              right after the number of minutes.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /kickFaction <clanTag> [minutes] [kickMessageInQuotes]
  /mod.kickList.addFaction <clanTag> [minutes] [kickMessageInQuotes]

* Description: Prints the kicked players list content.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Un-kicks the player (remove from the temporary kick list on the server).
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /mod.kickList.remove <playerName>

* Description: Mutes the player on the server for the defined amount of time.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /mute <character> [minutes]
  /mod.muteList.add <character> [minutes]

* Description: Prints the muted players list content.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Un-mutes the player (remove from the temporary mute list on the server).
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /mod.muteList.remove <playerName>

* Description: Adds a player name into the whitelist.
              Please don't forget to enable the whitelist after adding a player there.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /whiteListAdd <playerName>
  /mod.whiteList.add <playerName>

* Description: Enables or disables the whitelist.
              When the whitelist enabled, only players added to the whitelist
              can connect to the server (plus admins and moderators).
              Please note: there is also a blacklist that is intended
              to work in an opposite way by disallowing access only to those players
              that are listed in a blacklist while everyone else is allowed.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /mod.whiteList.enabled <isEnabled>

* Description: Prints the whitelist content.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Removes a player name from the whitelist.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /mod.whiteList.remove <playerName>

* Description: Browse the party of the specified player.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /party.browse <player>

* Description: Add technology learning points value for a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.addLP <learningPoints> [player]

* Description: Despawns the specified player's character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.despawn [player]

* Description: Discover whole map for the player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.discoverMap [player]

* Description: Get the world position of a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /pos [player]
  /player.getPosition [player]

* Description: Restore 100% of the player character health, energy, etc.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /heal [player]
  /player.heal [player]

* Description: Adds specified item(s) to a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /addItem <item> [count] [player]
  /player.items.add <item> [count] [player]

* Description: Removes all items from a given player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.items.reset [player]

* Description: Kills you. Use when you desperately need to get rid of yourself and respawn. You cannot kill yourself more often than once in 5 minutes.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 

* Description: Prints the current final stats cache of the player character.
              It lists all the applied stats with their sources.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.printFinalCache [player]

* Description: Toggles creative mode.
This mode allows you to build without using any resources also skipping the entire build phases. 
This mode is enabled by default in the Editor mode.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /creative <isEnabled> [character]
  /player.setCreativeMode <isEnabled> [character]

* Description: Sets energy value to a player character. The energy value is automatically clamped into the available range.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.setEnergy <energy> [character]

* Description: Sets food value to a player character. The food value is automatically clamped into the available range.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.setFood <food> [character]

* Description: Sets health value to a player character. The health value is automatically clamped into the available range.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.setHealth <health> [character]

* Description: Sets invincibility to a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /god [isEnabled] [character]
  /player.setInvincibility [isEnabled] [character]

* Description: Set technology learning points value for a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.setLP <learningPoints> [player]

* Description: Toggles newbie protection.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.setNewbieMode <isEnabled> [character]

* Description: Change origin for a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.setOrigin <origin> [player]

* Description: Toggles spectator mode.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /spectator <isEnabled> [character]
  /player.setSpectatorMode <isEnabled> [character]

* Description: Set total accumulated technology learning points value for a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.setTotalAccumulatedLP <learningPoints> [player]

* Description: Sets water value to a player character. The water value is automatically clamped into the available range.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /player.setWater <water> [character]

* Description: Teleports a player character to the specified tile position in the world or to another player depending on arguments used.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tp <toPlayer> [player]
  /tp <x> <y> [player]
  /player.teleport <toPlayer> [player]
  /player.teleport <x> <y> [player]

* Description: Add quest to a player (even if prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /quest.add <quest> [player]

* Description: Add all quests to a player (even if prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /quest.addAll [player]

* Description: Complete a specific active quest for player (even if prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /quest.complete <quest> [player]

* Description: Complete all quests to a player (even if the quest is not added or the prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /quest.completeAll [player]

* Description: Complete all active quests to a player (even if prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /quest.completeAllActive [player]

* Description: Remove quest from a player (if exist).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /quest.remove <quest> [player]

* Description: Remove all quests from a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /quest.removeAll [player]

* Description: Reset quest to a player (if exist).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /quest.reset <quest> [player]

* Description: Add skill experience for a specified skill.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /skills.addExp <skill> <exp> [player]

* Description: Print full list of skills of a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /skills.list [player]

* Description: Reset all the player skills.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /skills.resetAll [player]

* Description: Set a given skill for a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /skills.set <skill> [level] [player]

* Description: Set specific level for all skills of a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /skills.setAll [level] [player]

* Description: Adds specified status effect to a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /statusEffects.add <statusEffect> [intensityToAdd] [player]

* Description: Adds all possible status effects (some of them will be immediately remowed, however, as they cannot exist together).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /statusEffects.addAll [player]

* Description: Removes specified status effect from a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /statusEffects.remove <statusEffect> [player]

* Description: Remove all status effects.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /statusEffects.reset [player]

* Description: Add all tech groups and all nodes to a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.addAll [player]

* Description: Add all tech groups to a player (without their nodes).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.addAllGroups [player]

* Description: Add a particular tech group to a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.addGroup <group> [player]

* Description: Add a tech node to a player. It will also add all other required nodes if there's a conflict.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.addNode <node> [player]

* Description: Add a particular tech tier to a player. The argument controls whether the tech nodes of the tech gr
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.addTier <tier> <withNodes> [player]

* Description: Remove all tech groups/nodes from a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.removeAll [player]

* Description: Remove a tech group from a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.removeGroup <group> [player]

* Description: Remove a tech node from a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.removeNode <node> [player]

* Description: Reset player's tech tree and refund all the LP.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.resetTechTreeAndRefundLP [player]

* Description: Add tech group and enable nodes to have desired percent of completion (value from 0 to 1, inclusive) to a player. This is useful when you need a particular tech group to have some nodes, but not all.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /tech.setGroupCompletion <techGroup> <completionPercent> [player]

* Description: Activates raidblock status for the base where character is present now.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /world.activateBaseRaidblock [character]

* Description: Destroys the closest world object in the player character position or neighbor tiles.
              You can use this to destroy any creatures, buildings or objects such as resources.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /world.destroy [character]
  /world.destroy <x> <y>

* Description: Destroys all static world objects of the specific prototype.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /world.destroyAll <protoObject>

* Description: Places a static world object in the player character position or in any specified position.
              You can use this to spawn new buildings and resources.
              You need to provide a player character name to place an object in its position.
              Please note that the character must be in spectator mode.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /place <protoStaticWorldObject> [character]
  /place <objTypeName> <x> <y>
  / <protoStaticWorldObject> [character]
  / <objTypeName> <x> <y>

* Description: Forces specified time of day on the server.
To reset please execute this command without any arguments.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /world.setTimeOfDay [hour] [minute]

* Description: Spawns a vehicle in the player character position or in any specified position.
              You need to provide a player character name to place a vehicle in its position.
              Please note that the character must be in spectator mode.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage: 
  /spawnVehicle <protoDynamicWorldObject> [character]
  /spawnVehicle <objTypeName> <x> <y>
  /world.spawnVehicle <protoDynamicWorldObject> [character]
  /world.spawnVehicle <objTypeName> <x> <y>