VoidExpanse/Server commands

From AtomicTorchWiki

Server commands

These are the commands that OP (server operator) can use in multiplayer. Some of the commands can also be used in singleplayer as cheats. If you are using them in singleplayer you can just open chat by pressing [Enter] and enter any of the commands. In multiplayer you can enter them both in the server console and in chat, but in that case you have to have an OP status.


If you see... Then
<angle brackets> This is a required argument.
[square brackets] This is an optional argument.
plain text Enter this literally, exactly as shown.
x | y | z Select one of the options.

List of commands

Maintenance and setup commands

Command Example OP Only Description
/new [seed] /new tehseed12345 Yes Create a new world. If no seed is given it will create a world with a random seed. Otherwise it will use the given value.
/save /save Yes Saves the game immediately.
/load /load 1 Yes Loads a savegame.
/stop /stop Yes Stops the game server.

Access modification

Command Example OP Only Description
/kick <player> [reason] /kick john123 because I don't want to see you on the server Yes Kick a particular player from the server. You could also specify the reason for kicking.
/whitelist <add|remove|list> [player] /whitelist add john123

/whitelist list

Yes Add or remove a particular player to/from the whitelist. Or get a list of players who are added to that list.
/blacklist <add|remove|list> [player] /blacklist add john123

/blacklist list

Yes Add or remove a particular player to/from the blacklist. Or get a list of players who are added to that list.
/op <add|remove|list> [player] /op add john123

/op list

Yes Add or remove a particular player to/from the operator list. Player given operator permissions can use these commands. Or get a list of players who are added to that list.


Command Example OP Only Description
/pwn [player] /pwn john123 Yes Makes player into a badass by giving tons of money, exp and some important skills.
/exp <amount> [player] /exp 9000 john123

/exp 9000

Yes Add some amount of experience to self or to a specified player.
/money <amount> [player] /money 9000 john123

/money 9000

Yes Add some amount of money to self or to a specified player.
/god [player] /god john123


Yes Set god mode (invincibility) to yourself or to a specified player.
/heal [player] /heal john123


Yes Fully heal yourself or a specified player.
/item_add <item_id> [amount] [player] /item_add weapon_light_laser 3 john123

/item_add weapon_light_laser

Yes Add a specified item to yourself or to another player. If you are adding to yourself you don't have to specify the amount, but if you are adding an item to someone else you have to specify the amount always.
/kill <player> /kill john123 Yes Destroy a specified player's ship. Only works if the specified player is online. You can use it to destroy your own ship.
/killall /killall Yes Destroy all ships in a current system except your ship.
/tp <system name> [player]

/tp <x> <y> [player]

/tp Cosaden

/tp -120 85 john123

Yes Teleport your ship or a ship of another player to a different system or to a different coordinates in this system. See examples for usages of this command.

Note: If system name contains spaces it must be written with underscores. For example if the system name is "Vis Cosaden Alpha" it should be written as Vis_Cosaden_Alpha.

Other commands

Command Example OP Only Description
/list /list No Will return a list of all people on the server.
/help [command] /help

/help quit

No Gives a list of all commands available to player. Some commands might not be accessible if the player is not an operator. If argument (command name) is provided it will give detailed information about that specific command.
/delete_player [player_name] /delete_player No Completely delete your player character from the server (doesn't require operator access) or delete any specified player character (require operator access).

delete_player %player_name%