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<pre style="margin:0px;">var id = generator.AddSpaceObject(1, 0, 0, "Debris01", {class: "mine"})</pre> |
<pre style="margin:0px;">var id = generator.AddSpaceObject(1, 0, 0, "Debris01", {class: "mine"})</pre> |
Adds a space object to game world. Space objects are interactive object. They cannot be destroyed, but they are interactive and collision-enabled. For example, spacemines are created with space objects.
Adds a space object to game world. Space objects are interactive object. They cannot be destroyed, but they are interactive and collision-enabled. For example, spacemines are created with space objects.
As xml_type_id you can use keyword "random" - then  
NOTE: As xml_type_id you can use keyword "random" - then a random space object will spawn.
* int: system_id
* double: coord_x
* double: coord_y
* int: seed
* int: heat - how much damage star deals, when ship approaches
* ''(optional) string: typeID''
int: ID of created object|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var id = generator.AddStar(1, 0, 0, 234, 0)</pre> |
Adds a star. Conventionally, you shouldn't add more then 1 star to a system.
If typeID is not specified, type will be picked by random, based on seed parameter.
* double: coord_x
* double: coord_y
* string: name
* int: seed|
int: ID of created system|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var id = generator.AddSystem(0, 0, "Hawkins Eta", 123)</pre> |
Adds a star system. Star system can be added anywhere, and by default it won't be connected to any other systems. See tutorial to see, how systems generation works.
* int: system_id
* object: tags|
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.SetSystemTags(1, {"show_clouds": "yes"})</pre> |
Sets tags of specified star system. Can be expanded with generator.AddSystemTag and retrieved by
* int: system_id
* string: name
* object: value|
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.AddSystemTag(1, "show_clouds", "yes")</pre> |
Adds tag to star system tags (or overwrites existing one with the same name).
* int: system_id|
object: tags set by methods above|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var tags = generator.GetSystemTags(1);
if(tags != null && tags["show_clouds"] == "yes")
console.Print("System 1 was told to show clouds");
}</pre> |
Retrieves tags of star system, which were set by SetSystemTags and AddSystemTag.
* int: system_id
* string: anomaly_id
* object: args |
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.AddAnomaly(args.sys_id, "radar_disable", {});</pre> |
Adds anomaly to star system. There are few predefined anomalies (see more in the article [[VoidExpanse/anomalies|Anomalies]]), but you can specify and implement your own anomalies.
* int: system_id|
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.SystemClose(20);</pre> |
Sets system status to closed. Can be used anywhere, has no hardcoded implementation. For example, now
it's being used to prevent player to travel to alien systems. System can be opened with generator.SystemOpen.
All systems are opened by default.
* int: system_id|
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.SystemOpen(20);</pre> |
Sets system status to opened. Can be used anywhere, has no hardcoded implementation. For example, now
it's being used to prevent player to travel to alien systems. System can be closed with generator.SystemClose.
All systems are opened by default.
* int: system_id|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var closed = generator.IsSystemClosed(20);</pre> |
Check whether system is closed or not.
* int: system_id
* object: key->value object|
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.SetSystemPlaylists(args.sys_id,
"explore": "playlist_generic_explore",
"combat": "playlist_generic_combat"
);</pre> |
Sets system music playlists. There are few possible keys, see more in [[VoidExpanse/MusicPlaylists]].
* int: system_id
* object: key->value object|
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.SetSystemPlaylists(args.sys_id,
"explore": "playlist_generic_explore",
"combat": "playlist_generic_combat"
);</pre> |
Sets system music playlists. There are few possible keys, see more on playlists in [[VoidExpanse/MusicPlaylists]].
* int: system_id
* int: system_2_id|
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.AddSystemsLink(1,2);</pre> |
This function creates a link between two systems. This links are simply logical, but there are
few hardcoded rules about them. There are some specific rules, that are applied to every link:
* Duplication - cannot create a link between already linked systems
* Future Linking - cannot create a link between systems, that aren't exist yet
* Proximity - link cannot pass closer then 2 units to a star
* Intersections - link cannot intersect any other link
Links created this way are displayed on galaxy map. By this links jumpgates are created (though, there is no hard rule about that - you can create jumpgate without link between two star systems, but this connection won't be displayed on galaxy map).
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.FixConnectivity();</pre> |
Should be called after all stars and links were created. It checks, if all stars are reachable from one another, and, if not, it creates missing star systems links.
* int: ship_id
* int: base_id|
<pre style="margin:0px;">generator.DockShipToBase(12253,2);</pre> |
Immediately, without any animations, checkups and routines, docks ship to a space station. It's better not to use it on players, because it'll have unpredictable behavior.
* array: array of stars IDs |
<pre style="margin:0px;">var stars = [3];
stars = generator.ExpandArea(stars);
if(newstars.length >= 10) break;
console.Print("Now we have an area of 10 or more stars around star with id 3");
</pre> |
Function, which returns the same array, as input + all stars, which are linked to input ones by 1 link. In other words, it returns an area, expanded by 1 link. Very useful during generation of zones in galaxy, such as faction territories.
array: IDs of all systems|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var arr = generator.GetAllSystems();</pre> |
array: xml_ids (strings) of all asteroids|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var arr = generator.GetAsteroidTypes();</pre> |
* double: coord_x
* double: coord_y|
int: ID of picked system of 0, if none|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var sys_id = generator.GetClosestSystemToPoint(0,0);</pre> |
Useful during generation process.
array: xml_ids (strings) of all space objects|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var arr = generator.GetDebrisTypes();</pre> |
Useful during generation process. Alias of generator.GetSpaceObjectsTypes.
array: xml_ids (strings) of all space objects|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var arr = generator.GetSpaceObjectsTypes();</pre> |
Useful during generation process. The same as generator.GetDebrisTypes.
* int: system_id
* double: coord_x
* double: coord_y |
string: intersection in format "coord_x;coord_y" or empty string|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var intersection = generator.GetIntersection(0, 15, 15);
if(intersection.length > 0)
var arr = intersection.split(';');
console.Print("Intersection was found: point X:" + arr[0] +", Y:" + arr[1]);
}</pre> |
The function answers the question: if a put a link between system with specified id and point with
coordinates coord_x;coord_y, will it intersect any other links? Useful during galaxy generation process.
* int: system_id
* int: system_2_id|
int: number of jumps|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var jumps = generator.GetJumpsBetweenSystems(1,1000);</pre> |
Returns length (number of links) of the minimal way between two systems.
* int: sys_id|
array: IDs of systems|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var arr = generator.GetLinkedSystems(1);</pre> |
Returns an array with IDs of all systems linked to the specified one.
* double: coord_x
* double: coord_y|
double:: distance to the closest system (or maximum double value if none)|
<pre style="margin:0px;">var dist = generator.GetLinkedSystems(1);</pre> |
Return distance to the closest system to a specified point.

Revision as of 07:55, 13 February 2014

Scope generator

Used for generation items, objects, systems in game, and also for getting some specific info about them.

Visibility: Global.

List of functions

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • string: type - xml id of asteroid
  • double: scale
  • double: resQ - resouces modifier
  • object: rotation
  • object: rotationSpeed

int: identifier of created object

var id = generator.AddAsteroid(1,100,100,"Asteroid01",1, 0, {x:0,y:0,z:0}, {x:0,y:0,z:0});

Adds asteroid with specified parameters into game world. Asteroid contents (extractable resources), asteroid's look and other parameters can be modified only in .xml file, which is specified in this function by parameter "type".

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • string: type - xml id of base
  • string: name
  • (optional) object: tags

int: identifier of created object

var id = generator.AddBase(1, 100, 100, "Base01", "Station Horizon", {class: "order"});

Adds space station to game world.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: object_id
  • string: item_xml_id
  • int: quantity


  • quantity - quantity was actually added
  • type - can be "item" or "resource"
var obj = generator.AddItem(1, "SomeItem", 5);

Adds item to some object's inventory. In VoidExpanse not all objects do have inventory, so this function must be applied only to those, which have it, such as ships, space stations, containers.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • string: xml_type
  • string: droplist
  • (optional) object: tags

int: identifier of object created

var id = generator.AddContainer(1, 0, 0, "Container01", "DropList01");

Adds a floating container to game world. By default container is empty. Also containers, which has no contents, are unstable (self-destroyed as soon as someone will look at it's contents), so it's better not to create empty containers. Content can be added with generator.AddItem function.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • string: item_xml_id
  • vector2: position
  • double: depth
  • vector2: rotation
  • vector2: rotation_speed,
  • double: scale

int: ID of created object

var id = generator.AddDecoration(1, "Decoration01", {x:0,y:0}, 100, {x:5, y:5}, {x:5, y:5}, 2);

Adds a decoration to game world. Decoration is a non-interactive object, which is used as a... decoration.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • int: system_to
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • double: angle
  • string: xml_type
  • (optional) object: tags

int: ID of created object

var id = generator.AddJumpgate(1, 2, 100, 100, 20, "Jumpgate01", {sometag: "sometag"});

Adds a jumpgate - an object, which allows ships to travel between systems. Every jumpgate must be paired with another one, for example, if in system A theres a jumpgate, that leads to system B, then in system B must be a jumpgate, that leads to system A.

Arguments Returns Example
  • string: npc_name
  • string: behavior - AI-script ("brains")
  • int: level
  • string: xml_type - npc xml type
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • (optional) object: tags

int: ID of created object

var id = generator.AddNPCShipToSystem("Pirate",
	"PirateAI", 100, "PirateNpc01",
	1, 105, 223, 
	{class: "pirate", uniq_id: "boss"});

Adds an npc ship into game. NPC's avatar and faction are set through another functions - generator.SetNPCAvatar and relations.SetShipFaction

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: ship_id
  • array: droplists - strings array of droplists


generator.OverrideDropList(23303, ["DropList01", "DropList02"]);

Adds specified droplists to npc's droplists list.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • string: name
  • int: seed

int: ID of created object

var id = generator.AddPlanet(1, 0, 0, "Earth", 123);

Adds planet to game world. Planet's look is driven by seed, based on which planet's look will be defined by random generator. If you want a particular planet, you should either use seed with defined results (by our tool - SeedGenerator), or use another function - AddPlanetWithType.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • string: name
  • int: seed
  • string: planet_config_type

int: ID of created object

var id = generator.AddPlanetWithType(1, 0, 0, "Earth", 123, "EarthTypePlanet");

Adds planet to game world. Planet's look is driven partially be seed, but mostly by the specified type.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • string: xml_type_id
  • object: tags

int: ID of created object

var id = generator.AddSpaceObject(1, 0, 0, "Debris01", {class: "mine"})

Adds a space object to game world. Space objects are interactive object. They cannot be destroyed, but they are interactive and collision-enabled. For example, spacemines are created with space objects.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • string: xml_type_id
  • object: tags

int: ID of created object

var id = generator.AddSpaceObject(1, 0, 0, "Debris01", {class: "mine"})

Adds a space object to game world. Space objects are interactive object. They cannot be destroyed, but they are interactive and collision-enabled. For example, spacemines are created with space objects. NOTE: As xml_type_id you can use keyword "random" - then a random space object will spawn.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • int: seed
  • int: heat - how much damage star deals, when ship approaches
  • (optional) string: typeID

int: ID of created object

var id = generator.AddStar(1, 0, 0, 234, 0)

Adds a star. Conventionally, you shouldn't add more then 1 star to a system. If typeID is not specified, type will be picked by random, based on seed parameter.

Arguments Returns Example
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y
  • string: name
  • int: seed

int: ID of created system

var id = generator.AddSystem(0, 0, "Hawkins Eta", 123)

Adds a star system. Star system can be added anywhere, and by default it won't be connected to any other systems. See tutorial to see, how systems generation works.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • object: tags


generator.SetSystemTags(1, {"show_clouds": "yes"})

Sets tags of specified star system. Can be expanded with generator.AddSystemTag and retrieved by generator.GetSystemTags.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • string: name
  • object: value


generator.AddSystemTag(1, "show_clouds", "yes")

Adds tag to star system tags (or overwrites existing one with the same name).

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id

object: tags set by methods above

var tags = generator.GetSystemTags(1);
if(tags != null && tags["show_clouds"] == "yes")
	console.Print("System 1 was told to show clouds");

Retrieves tags of star system, which were set by SetSystemTags and AddSystemTag.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • string: anomaly_id
  • object: args


generator.AddAnomaly(args.sys_id, "radar_disable", {});

Adds anomaly to star system. There are few predefined anomalies (see more in the article Anomalies), but you can specify and implement your own anomalies.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id



Sets system status to closed. Can be used anywhere, has no hardcoded implementation. For example, now it's being used to prevent player to travel to alien systems. System can be opened with generator.SystemOpen. All systems are opened by default.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id



Sets system status to opened. Can be used anywhere, has no hardcoded implementation. For example, now it's being used to prevent player to travel to alien systems. System can be closed with generator.SystemClose. All systems are opened by default.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id


var closed = generator.IsSystemClosed(20);

Check whether system is closed or not.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • object: key->value object


					"explore": "playlist_generic_explore",
					"combat": "playlist_generic_combat"

Sets system music playlists. There are few possible keys, see more in VoidExpanse/MusicPlaylists.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • object: key->value object


					"explore": "playlist_generic_explore",
					"combat": "playlist_generic_combat"

Sets system music playlists. There are few possible keys, see more on playlists in VoidExpanse/MusicPlaylists.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • int: system_2_id



This function creates a link between two systems. This links are simply logical, but there are few hardcoded rules about them. There are some specific rules, that are applied to every link:

  • Duplication - cannot create a link between already linked systems
  • Future Linking - cannot create a link between systems, that aren't exist yet
  • Proximity - link cannot pass closer then 2 units to a star
  • Intersections - link cannot intersect any other link

Links created this way are displayed on galaxy map. By this links jumpgates are created (though, there is no hard rule about that - you can create jumpgate without link between two star systems, but this connection won't be displayed on galaxy map).

Arguments Returns Example




Should be called after all stars and links were created. It checks, if all stars are reachable from one another, and, if not, it creates missing star systems links.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: ship_id
  • int: base_id



Immediately, without any animations, checkups and routines, docks ship to a space station. It's better not to use it on players, because it'll have unpredictable behavior.

Arguments Returns Example
  • array: array of stars IDs


var stars = [3];
	stars = generator.ExpandArea(stars);
	if(newstars.length >= 10) break;
console.Print("Now we have an area of 10 or more stars around star with id 3");

Function, which returns the same array, as input + all stars, which are linked to input ones by 1 link. In other words, it returns an area, expanded by 1 link. Very useful during generation of zones in galaxy, such as faction territories.

Arguments Returns Example


array: IDs of all systems

var arr = generator.GetAllSystems();

Arguments Returns Example


array: xml_ids (strings) of all asteroids

var arr = generator.GetAsteroidTypes();

Arguments Returns Example
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y

int: ID of picked system of 0, if none

var sys_id = generator.GetClosestSystemToPoint(0,0);

Useful during generation process.

Arguments Returns Example


array: xml_ids (strings) of all space objects

var arr = generator.GetDebrisTypes();

Useful during generation process. Alias of generator.GetSpaceObjectsTypes.

Arguments Returns Example


array: xml_ids (strings) of all space objects

var arr = generator.GetSpaceObjectsTypes();

Useful during generation process. The same as generator.GetDebrisTypes.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y

string: intersection in format "coord_x;coord_y" or empty string

var intersection = generator.GetIntersection(0, 15, 15);
if(intersection.length > 0)
	var arr = intersection.split(';');
	console.Print("Intersection was found: point X:" + arr[0] +", Y:" + arr[1]);

The function answers the question: if a put a link between system with specified id and point with coordinates coord_x;coord_y, will it intersect any other links? Useful during galaxy generation process.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: system_id
  • int: system_2_id

int: number of jumps

var jumps = generator.GetJumpsBetweenSystems(1,1000);

Returns length (number of links) of the minimal way between two systems.

Arguments Returns Example
  • int: sys_id

array: IDs of systems

var arr = generator.GetLinkedSystems(1);

Returns an array with IDs of all systems linked to the specified one.

Arguments Returns Example
  • double: coord_x
  • double: coord_y

double:: distance to the closest system (or maximum double value if none)

var dist = generator.GetLinkedSystems(1);

Return distance to the closest system to a specified point.